Water Baptism is an outward action that demonstrates an inward decision we have made to put the “sin nature” that all of have, behind us.
Here at Res Life we baptize individuals by ‘full immersion’. Baptism by immersion, simply put, is going completely under the water and back out. While under the water, God supernaturally removes that “sin nature” from inside you.
We encourage you to attach faith to the action, as you experience this incredible event in your life. By releasing faith in the action, God is always faithful to move on our behalf.
We offer several opportunities throughout the year for individuals to be Water Baptized.
We ask everyone who desires to be water baptized to listen to this short sermon…in it, you will hear what water baptism is and why it’s essential for the Christian believer.
Below, you will find two buttons…
If you’re ready and want to be Water Baptized on Sunday March 27, 2022, click on the REGISTRATION link below to register. (*If you are registering multiple people, please complete separate registration forms.)
In addition, please be sure to click on the IMPORTANT INFO link below. This information will help make your experience the best and most enjoyable for you!