

Baby Dedications

Congratulations, we rejoice with you in the birth of your baby!

Resurrection Life conducts Dedication services three times throughout each year during normal Sunday morning services.

In order to assist you and answer any questions that you may have, we have provided you with some general guidelines for all baby dedications.

  • All infants one year old and younger will be dedicated on the platform during our normal Sunday Morning service.   Pastor will be available to dedicate children over one year old immediately after service in Pastor’s guest room.  Your family and friends are welcome to come and witness the dedication at this time.
  • We ask that only parents/guardians come up on the platform along with your infant and that you hold your child in your arms.  Please leave your other children in their seats with other family or friends that are there to witness the dedication.
  • You are welcome to take pictures and/or videos during the dedication ceremony and stand anywhere in the aisles or in front of the platform, but not on the stairs or platform.  Please be considerate of others that also may desire to record this special moment as well.
  • The parent/legal guardian dedicating the child must have a relationship with the Lord and desire to raise the child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
  • Both parents or legal guardian must desire to be there and desire to raise the child in a Godly manner.  If not, only the believing parent should come to the platform with the child.

If you would like your baby dedicated, please complete this attached form and supply us with your child’s full birth name, birthdate, weight, height as well as the child’s birth parents name.

Need Help With Baby Dedications?

Let us know how we can help, fill out the form below.